Monday, August 16, 2010

Pre Interview Checklist

Here is a list of what you should put in your portfolio or briefcase

(Remember to clean out your briefcase first, you don't want irrelevant papers flying around when you are trying to retrieve documents from it!)

  • Full name of company, name and position of contact person/interviewer and contact number

  • Full address of company and the department or building where your interview is.

  • Good directions or map. You can obtain a map from an internet map site such as Mapquest or Google Maps. If you are taking public transport have your route prepared, visit sites like and MTA Trip Planner

  • Details of where you can park

  • Put in a couple of copies of your resume. Although the company already has a copy you may need to give another copy to the interviewer or interviewers. Take this opportunity to read through your resume again and note any red flags that will have to be dealt with during the interview. Prepare your interview answers to tough questions about gaps in employment, reason for leaving etc.

  • Include copies of letters of recommendation or written job references you have.

  • Have copies of your reference list ready, the interviewer will ask for this during the job interview.

  • Relevant work samples

  • The job advert or any details of the position that you have.

  • Include your company background research. Review the research that you have put together about the organization and the job and consider how you will use it in your interview.

  • Put in the questions you have prepared to ask the interviewer. You should prepare at least five insightful questions about the job, the company, and management. Read through these questions and feel confident about asking them.

Once you have prepared your portfolio, you have a couple of hours to do the following on your interview checklist:

  • Take out the clothes you plan to wear to the interview. Make sure they are clean and pressed. Shoes should be polished. Select the accessories you want to wear. Lay your outfit out ready for the next day.

  • Go through your prepared answers to common job interview questions such as What are your strengths?, Why are you the right candidate for this job?, Tell me about yourself?.

  • Try to practice your responses out loud. Ask a friend or family member to do a mock interview with you. Ask for feedback on other elements such as your body language, communication skills and clarity of your answers.

  • Make sure you have something nutritious to eat for breakfast the next day, you don't want your stomach rumbling or to feel hungry during your interview.

  • Get a good night's sleep knowing you are fully prepared to ace the interview!

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