Thursday, October 14, 2010

Peer to Peer Networking

Peer to peer networking is HOT and it could be the way you find your next job.

First, let's discuss what doesn't work.

You might be surprised to learn that the ways most people use to find their jobs are actually the least effective. The reason is because they are relying on the old standards: classified ads, job fairs and mailing resumes to employers. While those methods typically result in 8-10% of job candidates finding work, for the rest of the population, something else is going to be required.

One of the most efficient ways to find meaningful work is peer to peer networking - networking with people you know (friends, family, neighbors and former co-workers)

What is job networking?

Networking involves sustaining positive relationships with a variety of people. These people come from all walks of life. It takes some time and a bit of effort, but often pays off when employment situations arise.

Reach past your own network by meeting new people who are the friends, co-workers and/or related contacts of your networking circle.

The importance of networking
cannot be stressed enough

Peer to peer networking groups (or business networking groups) are common in many cities and offer a variety of resources and opportunities to meet others.

The point is that you have to get out and meet people. Get to know them. Listen to them. Find out what their needs are and help them. When you listen to others and help them achieve their goals, you are more likely to find yourself being helped in achieving your own goals as well.

Job networking is far more effective than classified ads, job fairs and mailing out resumes combined. "Eighty percent of available jobs are never advertised, and over half of all employees get their jobs through networking" according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (Department of Labor). That is a lot of jobs that are not made public. How are they filled? In many cases, they are filled by "people who know other people" who can do the job.

Today networking has become more structured and formalized. Many people use networks to accomplish all sorts of goals – from completing projects to finding jobs.

Peer to peer networking is THE best way to find a job in today's tough economy.

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